Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Stage 8: Commentary #2

In response to Paige Duecker's article "Warrantless Blood Draws????!!!!!" I want to say that I completely agree with her, the officer had no right to take the suspect to a hospital and have his blood drawn. Even though he is a criminal, he is still a human. I'm not sure if a persons Blood Alcohol Content is something police are required to record when taking them into jail and filling out the report, but if everything is being recorded by their car camera like it should be then there is their proof for him failing the sobriety tests. I think that if a person is unwilling to submit to a breathalyzer test and already failed all of the other tests then that should be good enough reason to arrest them. Also, I think that once a criminal (McaNeely) has been charged with their first DUI offense they should be required to submit to a breathalyzer test by law and if they refuse they automatically be arrested. I went off on a bit of a tangent, but if the laws would adjust to what I just said there would be no need to take suspects into a hospital to involuntarily have their blood drawn.