Friday, March 29, 2013

Same sex marriage: What’s the big deal?

         I personally think the religious arguments against gay marriage are ridiculous, but I have heard two sides to the religious arguments. On one side people say it’s against what the bible says so it’s wrong and god won’t love them. On the other side, people believe that god loves everybody equally and your sexual orientation doesn't affect that. Although I am not a religious person, I agree with the point of view that god loves everybody and being gay does not make him love a person any less.

         Another question being asked is “does gay marriage have a negative effect on the upbringing of a child compared to heterosexual parents?” I think same sex parents are perfectly capable of raising a child together; their sexual preference does not affect their ability to be a responsible parent. Studies show that gay couples are perfectly capable of raising a normal child together in this interview with Dr. Drew Pinsky. If both parents are stable and good people there is nothing wrong with them raising a child together. The only negative affect it could have on the child is homophobia which was brought up in the interview linked above. Other kids making fun of them in school for having two dads or two moms could make them feel like an outsider. I also found a story about two men who raised a child together that they found abandoned in a subway that was no more than a day old. They raised the child to be a good person so far and they have given him a good life.

         Most people are uneducated about the subject and view gay as a disease. In this video from Fox News, the anchor makes the point that most people are more understanding about the topic when they have a gay friend or family member. He also said that Ohio senator Rob Portman recently because the first republican senator to support gay marriage because his son is gay. At the end of the day I think people should be more informed and open minded toward this issue.

1 comment:

  1. In Tyler Hogan's, "Same sex marriage: What's the big deal?", he discusses his point of view on the issue of gay marriage, and why he feels more people should have less of a problem with it. Throughout the editorial, his opinion on the subject is clear and easy to understand, and is backed by a substantial amount of research. He touches on both the religious approach to same sex marriage, as well as the parental implications of raising children in a home with either two moms or two dads. In both aspects, he explores and explains each side of the argument, and adds in his own voice to help convince the reader; even going so far as to encourage his audience to further educate themselves on the subject by providing a video link.
    Considering same sex marriage is such a prominent topic in today's world, I feel he could have expanded a bit more on the political aspect, such as where gay marriage is allowed in the U.S., as well as the rights of the LGBT community, and how people are pushing to expand them. But taking in to account that homosexuality is a particularly broad and highly debated issue, I think this editorial covered the basics well enough, and left me a little more informed than I was before.
