Friday, April 12, 2013

Blog 6: Commentary #1

In response to article Paying for School:

I completely agree with your position on this subject. I think top students should be the first so be rewarded with scholarships regardless of students’ financial situations unless their parents are millionaires or something. The money is put to better use when scholarships are given to the students who are taking school serious and trying to achieve something great rather than just skating by and doing the minimum, yet still receiving free education. I also think it is smarter to take those entry level classes at a community college where it’s cheaper and you seem to have more resources and options available to help you succeed in the beginning, where if you go straight into a university from high school, you can’t get that one on one help in class and the tuition is much higher. University’s should look into that and give those students like you more credit and more consideration for scholarships because those are going to be the students that make them look good and they will be the ones to succeed.

1 comment:

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